Walton Mark Lodge No161
Bryn Masonic Hall on 1st December was the venue for the Installation meeting of, (this is the full title), ‘The Walton Lodge of Installed Mark Masters, No 161’; “The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge”; or plain old Walton Mark Lodge No161.
Norman Jones and Doug Holgate; new members
You pay your money and take your choice. It was a wet cold Wednesday night that heralded in December and with the usual traffic delays on the motorways it was a joy to travel there for all concerned. But despite everything it was going to be a good night.
John Bicknell and David Sear
At the meeting there was, one APGM, one Past APGM. There were a total of six Very Worshipful Brethren and numerous Grand Officers present. Three of the PGM’s Special Reps also attended,  WBro David Sear who looks after the top end of the Province; WBro Steve Walls, (newly appointed), who looks after the bottom end of the province and VWBro Derek Horrocks who looks after somewhere in between the other two. And so, the rest of us were in very distinguished company.
APGM + WM; Derek Horrocks & Geoff Bury
The Worshipful Master WBro David Sear opened the Lodge on time and we were away. With all the domestic business completed. Two new members joined the Lodge, WBro Doug Holgate and WBro Norman Jones. Both of whom were to receive office in the Lodge later in the evening.
Rod Bennison and  John Bicknell
Now it was the turn of the PrAGDC, WBro Steve Walls to announce that the APGM stood without and demanded entry; the WM was pleased to admit him. Enter the APGM; VWBro John Bicknell escorted by other Grand Offices and Very Worshipful Brethren. After the introductions and salutations, it was time for the Installation. In this case it was an enhanced Proclamation Ceremony with WBro David Sear staying in office. The lodge DC, VWBro Geoff Bury stood up and proclaimed WBro David Sear Worshipful Master of ‘The Walton Lodge of Installed Mark Masters, No 161’ and the Master was duly greeted.
A Trio of Special Reps
It was now the turn of WBro Jack Parker, PGStdB to present the ‘Working tools of a Mark Master Mason’ and with everything Jack does, it done in fine style. Then after VWBro Bury had reminded the WM of the Warrent and Constitution; VWBro Derek Horrocks gave the Keystone Jewel address to the Master in fine form.  An excellent address to the Worshipful Master was given by WBro Mike Pinckard. The appointment offices followed. VWBro Michael Clarke gave the address to the Wardens and VWBro Geoff Bury doing the Overseers address.
Peter Craven and Rod Bennison
Among the appointments was that of a new secretary, WBro Peter Craven replaced VWBro Rod Bennison who has been secretary since the Lodge became “The Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge.”  The Worshipful Master, WBro David Sear took time out to thank Rod for all his hard and dedicated work in getting the Lodge set up in its present form. VWBro Bennison thanked everyone for their support over the years and during the transition of the Lodge. WBro Peter has some big shoes to fill.
WM and pals
With all the officers appointed it was time for VWBro John Bicknell to address the Brethren which VWBro Bicknell did in his usual faultless style. Ceremony over it was time for congratulations and the handing over of a cheque for Charity. Once the meeting was closed it was time for an excellent festive board. At the end of the festive board Ebenezer Sear wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year. The Worshipful Master and the members of Walton Mark Lodge No 161 wish everyone a Very Happy Christmas and a successful New Year.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.